Ice Dye your sweater

Many people have tried the tie-dye trend to upcycle their old clothes into cool and colorful new items. Ice dyeing uses ice to apply textile paint to the clothes. This surprisingly easy technique creates a beautiful watercolor effect that is unique on every piece of clothing. So pull out your old textiles and have fun upgrading your wardrobe!

Go to step 1

What you need

Cover your worktop and yourself.

Step 1

Cover your worktop and yourself. Make sure the textile your working with is damp, not wet.

Step 2

Crumple the sweater completely and put it on the drip tray, don't forget the sleeves.

Step 3

Place ice cubes on the crumpled-up sweater, don’t be careful, it must be completely covered with ice cubes.

Sprinkle the paint over the ice cubes.

Step 4

Sprinkle the paint over the ice cubes. Use different colors together, do not forget the edges and do not be too careful with the paint here.

You have 2 options. 

Step 5

You have 2 options. 

Option 1: Pastel look. Rinse the t-shirt until water is clear. Let the t-shirt dry. Then iron for 5 minutes to fixate. After that you can wash it on 40 degrees.

Option 2: Vibrant look. Let the t-shirt dry. Iron for 5 minutes to fixate. Then rinse under the tab until the water is clear. After that you can wash it on 40 degrees.

Step 6

Your ice dye sweater is now finished!

Step 7

If desired, you can give it something extra with embroidery or a nice print.

Embroidery pattern from Urban Threads
